March 14, 2012

  • Page 88


    Time passes so slowly sometimes. Usually when you don’t want it to. When you’d love to look at the clock and see it’s an hour later, but in reality, only five minutes has passed.

    But worse than that is when time flies past you, wondering where it went, and what it’s left you with. Hours pass, and before you know it, the day is gone. Then days, too, go by in what seems like the blink of an eye. Weeks soon to soar, and before you know it, you’re in an entirely new month, when the process starts again. This happens only twelve times, and then you have to get used to ending the dates you write down with a new digit.

    Yes, it’s not when time passed slowly that I remember; it’s when time flew by while I was busy blinking.

    I turned 19 on Monday. I hid my birth date on Facebook so my wall wouldn’t get blown up. Only three people knew it was my birthday without having someone tell them. The day passed like any other, uneventful save one thing that happened. I celebrated by getting a half-off appetizer at Applebees. Alone. Then walked back to my dorm.

    I’m not a big fan of birthdays. To me, they’re nothing special. Just another day. I used to throw a party and get presents and all that jazz. That was like three years ago now. I haven’t gotten a birthday present from my parents in four years. I’m not bitter or upset, just telling of another reason why birthdays aren’t that special to me.

    But this year…this year was the best I’d had in a long time…

    See, I’ve been meaning to start reading the Hunger Games, especially before the movie comes out. But nobody I knew owned it, and the library had a double digit waiting list, so I was a little disappointed. I told this to my friend (the one I took to the V-Day Banquet) who had already read the series, and loved it. Well her friend was borrowing it from someone, and they had to leave for a while, so she told me I could read it while they were gone. “Get through chapter seven, it’s a good stopping spot.”

    Well, by the time they got back, about 45 minutes later, I was halfway through chapter seven. She come up to me and said they need the book back. I’m sitting on a couch, and she stands in front of me, hands behind her back, waiting. Looking disappointed, I hand the open book back to her. Then she brings her hands out from behind her and gives me something. “Here, you can read this instead.” It’s the Hunger Games. She bought me my own copy for my birthday. I stare at her, surprised, thankful, amazed, and very much liking this girl, when she somehow makes it even better by adding, “You were on page 88.”

    Wow. Needless to say, I was pretty happy the rest of the day. I had to leave shortly after that, and that’s when I went to Applebees. I might’ve been alone, but I was still pretty psyched.

    This girl is pretty awesome. Ii seems like I like her a little more every time I see her.

    Anyway, it’s been pretty hectic, so that’s why I haven’t been on lately. I’ve got Midterms this week, so I should probably go study. =/

    Hope you guys have an awesome Pi Day! And I can’t wait for Spring Break!

Comments (5)

  • Some birthdays I easily remember but most I forget. Luckily this year I’m being smart and writing birthdays down in a calendar as they come so that I remember for future years! :D   *scribbles down Tigah’s birthday*

    You’re a really great guy and it’s a bummer that you even went out to dinner by yourself :( It would have been nice if at least someone could have joined you for dinner.

    Anyways, happy belated Birthday and I wish you many many more years!

    How is this semester, and what are your plans for Spring Break?

  • She sounds like an awesome girl.    Take her to dinner with you next time.
    Good luck with the midterms. 

  • Listen, man ! If I were you, I wouldn’t let this chick get away. Make your move, man. Don’t disappoint me, bro.

  • @Cestovatelka - Thank you!
    This semester is…well let’s just say last semester was better. Except for in the relationship category lol. I’ll be headed to Pennsylvania for spring break with some friends. It’s gonna be a blast!
    Also, just so we’re even, when is your birthday?

    @C_L_O_G - Hmm, not a bad idea lol. Thanks, I need it!

    @catstemplar2 - I don’t plan on letting her go!

  • Ooo, what part of PA? :)

    And my birthday is 1 July. :)

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