Month: January 2012

  • What Luck


    So I asked her to the V-day banquet Wednesday. She said she would love to go with me, but then she informed me that I would have to call her father for permission. This I was fine with. It’s what I want my daughters to say when they are asked. I decided I would call Friday, but I had to work and didn’t have the time, so today was the day chosen to make the call. I got the number, and last night I turned my phone off, plugged it into the charger, and went to sleep.

    Today, my phone won’t even turn on.

    Why does such luck follow me wherever I go? It doesn’t always show itself in important things like this, but still, it is ever-present. From bad draws in card games and awful rolls of the dice to car break downs and missed opportunities. It can really be a downer sometimes.

    Maybe it’s karma, like old traditions say. If so, I must’ve done something horrible in a past life.

    I’m not saying I fully support the ideas of luck and karma, but maybe there’s something to it

    What are your thoughts on luck? Do you have good, bad, or any at all? Do you believe in luck?

  • Saving Seats

    This poem is hot off the presses. I finished it today in class. Actually, the entire poem was written in one class or another, which is fitting. My favorite thing about this poem is that it can apply to any age: grade school, through high school, onto college, and whatever classes adults may be in. Heck, even the nursing home! I hope you guys enjoy. happy


    She sits on the other side of class today.

    The other side seems so far away.

    Though often, a glimpse, I can see,

    I’d much rather have her sit by me.

    Forgive me, if you think it wrong

    That I have, the whole class long

    Tried to keep her in my sight;

    But I cannot, try as I might,

    Focus on what is being taught.

    For she might have what I have sought.

    I have a feeling that behind those eyes

    I might find truth, not more lies.

    From her beautiful hair, to the shoes on her feet,

    Everything about her is nice and neat.

    Even the way she smells is good!

    If I could sit with her, I would.

    But alas! this is something Fate has denied.

    But Fate can not see what is inside…

    So tomorrow I would like to see

    If she would like to sit by me.

    All of my classmates, I will beat

    And next to me, I’ll save her a seat.



  • The Sound of…


    The loudest sound I’ve ever heard

    Still echoes through my mind

    I’ve tried so hard to drown it out

    But a louder sound, I cannot find.

    Like a shot out of a canoon,

    It shoots through my ear;

    Bouncing around inside my head:

    No other sound can I hear.

    It is the deafening roar of a hurricane,

     Though it started as a gentle rain.

    What was once the hum of a buzzing fly

    Is now the thundering of a freight train!

    It has turned my world upside-down,

    It’s shattering my eardrum!

    There’s not a thing I can do about it

    Though I know where it comes from.

    For long ago, this sounds source

    Left and went away.

    Now this noise keeps me up at night,

    And distracted during the day.

    Though not a single word she utters,

    She’s screaming in my ear.

    Now forever I must suffer:

    For the sound of silence is all I hear.

  • My Apologies.


    Wow. I am so sorry. I totally screwed you guys over. I started this epic series, and even left it in a pivotal point; I was talking to a handful of you guys on a consistent basis; there were things going on in your lives that I wanted to know about and vice verse; there were stories I wanted to read; contests I wanted to talk part in; girls I wanted to flirt with…maybe not so much on that last one.

    And I just left.


    I did what I would scold so many people for doing. I ignored the cry of blogging to the point that I hardly thought of it.

    And it was terrible.

    I quickly realized that, without me knowing it, Xanga had become one of my best friends. One I would talk to, share my feelings with (though at times it was cryptic and put in such a way that only I knew what the underlying message was), discuss goings-on, and the such like. And when I vamoosed, it left a hole. A void. And, try as I might, I can’t fill it.

    And so, I have returned. I have a few things up my sleeve to get me going again, then I’ll pick up where I left off in the Xeries, if you guys are still interested.

    So I am back. Even though technically I didn’t leave.

    Man, I missed you guys!